Conversations on Wellbeing at Work

Hassan Shaikh of Boehringer Ingelheim joins us to discuss his vision for wellbeing and the future of work...

John Brewer

Hassan will be speaking at our Amsterdam Summit in a couple of weeks but we caught up with him beforehand to find out more about his idea of a "polycontextual" workplace that forms the basis of his ongoing PhD studies.

Through this idea Hassan grapples with the complexity of today's and tomorrow's workplace with its diversity, new technology and new work design.   At the core of this approach is his belief that people need people and caring for one another is at the very heart of wellbeing.

Containing such nuggets as "We used to think of DEI as the cherry on top of the cake - it's not, it is the cake", "Life doesn't come at you, it comes out of you" and "the less we trust the more we withhold" Hassan provides essential insights into the relationship between wellbeing, psychological safety, DEI, the physical workspace and more.

Core to Hassan's approach is the need to measure what we do and he offers insight into how best to do this for wellbeing.  Along the way we discuss belonging, connection and how wellbeing impacts talent attraction and retention.

That's an awful lot to squeeze into a little over half an hour.   To hear more from Hassan you just have to sign up for the Amsterdam Summit!

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